
Right up my Alley!

I am following in Amber's footsteps and getting a blog. I've tried this before and had issues. So bear with me!

I love to write and put words down instead of letting them swirl in my head. So, this is right up my alley (as they say in the south)!

As this will hopefully be a blog for those close to me, I must probably elaborate on my wondeful life and my reason for being a "Blooming Shot".

I grew up in a place that literally has the motto "Small-Town Friendly" and yet we were a small town! I have 2 wonderful wonderful wonderful parents, 4 siblings (of which I am the second oldest), 2 nieces, 1 nephew and another (boy or girl?) on the way. I never saw myself leaving for good, but God knows much more, for sure! I love going back home and although I know I'm supposed to be here in KS, I pray that someday Josh and I can have a country-ish house outside the city, where our kids can run and play outside all day as I did. I moved 1,080 miles from home, but you can't get that country-girl out of me. Sometimes I truly feel like a fish out of water when I can't go walking thru the woods (or fields), or leave Arden outside to play without worrying, or throw my windows and doors open and just enjoy quiet and serenity.

All that leads me to this. When I think of where I am and where I want to be, it can sometimes seem bleak or hopeless. But, being an absolute LOVER of quotes, I found one for my life: BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED. It's my motto and my driving force when I so want to look at what is right before me.

  • I am smack-dab in the center of the city......("Bloom where you are planted.")
  • I want a huge garden, but I'll take the best care of what I have.......("Bloom where you are planted.")
  • I want a country home, but make this one the best I can....("Bloom where you are planted.")
  • I want to be a better designer, but I'll do my best being a great mother as God intended.....("Bloom where you are planted.")

You get the idea. My mother always instilled in us to be the best we can be, no matter what, and you will get where you're going. I believe God wants us to do the same as his children. Bloom where, in whatever postion, in whatever circumstance, and in whatever condition you are planted. Someone will notice the beauty, and God will reward. It gives me purpose and uplifts me in a world that so wants to drag me down. I believe if everyone lived by it, the world would be a much different place.

I will probably always be quoting someone......but here's my final for today (another fav)......"Be the change you wish to see in the world.") Think about it and live it.....bloom in it!!!

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